Free Medical Camp 2022


A recent visit was made by Br Zaki (founder of AL-ASR Society of Australia) to
Balochistan located in the rural of Pakistan in October 2022.

Mash’Allah, Al-Asr Society of Australia set up their very first FREE MEDICAL CAMP to support the needy people in the rural areas of Balochistan.
The purpose of the medical camp was to provide access to free medical care check-ups and treatments, free laboratory testing facilities and free medication for people who cannot financially afford medical care.

For the betterment of the healthcare situation in the needy, flood affected and poor communities in Pakistan, Al-Asr intends to facilitate underdeveloped communities to prevent the loss of struggling lives and spread health and hygiene awareness.

*Balochistan*is neglected, rural area in Pakistan, and we found a urging need for medical aid was required in the area.
Alhamdulillah, there was a positive response and we had more than expected patients who turned up for medical aid. We called out for more doctors since there was more positive participation from the community.⭐

A special thanks to all volunteers who supported us in this mission to make this campaign successful for Al-Asr. We are indeed very grateful for their kind help.

Insha'Allah Al-Asr Team is looking forward towards more charitable projects in future.

Al-Asr Management
Br Zaki (+61 416 123 786)

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