Food Ration Packet 2020 (Covid)



Assalamun Alaikum
***Indeed the Qur’an says that:

“The person who lends to Allah, a good lending will receive many times more”. (Sura al-Baqara, 2:245 )*

Imam Ali (as):*
...Whenever you come across a needy person who can carry for you your provision to hand it back to you on the Day of Judgement when you will need it, then accept him as a good opportunity and get him to carry it. Put in that provision as much-as you are able to, for it is likely that if you may need him (afterwards), you may not get hold of him...
(Nahj al Balagha, Letter no. 31)*

As an immediate impact of the Coronavirus, hundreds of people including students have been losing their jobs and struggling to fulfill their basic needs of living.
Alhamdulillah we are very privileged and blessed that Allah swt blessed us with so many Naimats. After having one meal we don't have to think about our next meal, we eat food according to our choices.
But unfortunately there are millions of kids/people out there who are hungry, unsure if they’ll even have a meal the next day.

We are Alhamdullilah very privileged to eat what we want, when we want. We go out and order food, with bills of over $100 each time on average with our families. That’s fine, however can't we sacrifice a small portion of that money to feed many needy people, for weeks?
We can’t change the world, or feed everyone, but we can contribute a small part on our individual behalf to collectively make a massive difference.

Alhamdolillah, last year AL-ASR CENTER managed to collect about $19,000 for RATION APPEAL which was distributed over Africa, India and Pakistan to provide around 600 families with monthly ration. We appreciate your generous contributions.

This Ramadan, we request you to kindly show the same support to help out families and students facing financial crisis by making a small contribution from your side.
For a small contribution of $20 (15 days) and $40 (30 days), we can provide a non perishable food package to the needful. This can include items with an approximate quantity as under:
💧Flour 10Kg bag

💧 Rice 10Kg

💧Sugar 5kg

💧Milk Powder 1/2 Kg

💧Tea 1Kg

💧Cooking oil 3 liters

💧Lentils ( Daals ) 5Kg

**All donations can be directly deposited to:
Al-Asr Society of Australia Limited
NAB BSB: 083-337 Account : 781184980
Please mention “Ramadan Relief” in description.**

May Allah (S.W.T) accept these great deeds and record it in the book of deeds by the intercession of our master Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and his pure progeny (A.S).

JazakAllah 🙏🏼 for your kind support.
Al-Asr Management

For Details please contact
Al- Asr Management (Br.Zaki) 0416 123 786
Or on
WhatsApp +61416123786

| Venue: Al- Asr Centre |
Address - 2 Butler Road, ( 200 Ross Road) Altona North. VIC - 3025
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