KARWAN E AL-ASR (Ziyarat) 2023


Al-Asr Society of Australia organised a short ziyarat trip to Iraq in January 2023 for students residing in the regional areas of Pakistan. Alhamdulillah, a group of total 26 members under the sponsorship and supervision of Al-Asr Management (Br Zaki) visited the Holy shrines of Ahlulbayt a.s in areas of Najaf, Karbala, Kazmain and Samarra.

A group of 7 boys from USWA College, Islamabad and 10 girls from Kauthar College for Women (KCW)*, Islamabad chosen through their school raffle draw and were accompanied by their respective *school principal, teacher and wardens. They visited the Holy shrines in Iraq and performed ziyarat of the Holy Imams a.s. buried there. Students were under constant careful supervision and complete Hijab practices were observed during the entire trip.

Maulana Sayed Mohammed Hussain Razvi Saheb from UK also accompanied them and provided guidance and imparted the group with spiritual knowledge about the Holy Shrines, history & ma’refat of our Imams a.s. and the significance of performing their ziyarat.

Students visited ziyarat for the very first time in their lives. This was a lifetime opportunity which they would always remember in their lives and moreover develop even a closer connection with Islam and our Imams a.s.

Masha’Allah, Allah swt reward Br Zaki's (Al-Asr Management) father Late Marhoom Ghulam Abbas Punjoo. It was Br Zaki's father dream and vision to sponsor such spiritual journey and Alhamdulillah Al Asr Society of Australia is fullfilling it. The full trip sponsorship including passports, visa, tickets, food and accommodation was under the name of Br Zaki's father Late Marhoom Ghulam Abbas Punjoo. May Allah reward Br Zaki's father with buland darjaat and grant him the highest place in Jannat ul Firdous Ameen.

Insha’Allah Al-Asr Society of Australia would continue to sponsor ziyarat campaigns like these in future and gain practical ma’refat of our Ahlulbayt a.s.


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