About Us

Our History

About Al-Asr Trust

Al-Asr Trust is a non-profit organisation with a genuine vision to serve humanity across the globe. Al-Asr Trust first commenced its operative mission in 2020, however it was later officially recognised and registered as an independent trust in 2023.

Al-Asr Trust has been established under the umbrella of Al-Asr Society of Australia which was established since 2017 has been providing programs, welfare and support to the Muslim communities of Australia and around the world.

Al-Ast Trust aims to improve quality of life for masses at a community, local, and even a global level through moral and financial means and also implementing social welfare projects committed to causes like education for all, access to basic healthcare amenities and poverty reduction.

What We Offer

Our Activities

To educate, train, highlight masses through all possible means by providing primary a

To grant aids, scholarships and financial assistance for studies in and outside Pakis

To support needy with monthly Ration aid

To help facilitate religious trips for needy

Meet The Trustee


Head Trustee/President
About Essential

Our Values

  • Trustful
  • Truthful
  • Transparent
  • Tolerance
  • Teamwork
Some Good Words

Clients Testimonial


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