Archives: Services

To arrange medical camps in order to assist and enable poor masses for free medical treatment....

To assist in learing about Quranic laws and propagate religious teachings and disseminate the message of the Prophet and his Progeny (A.S.) and contribute for promotion of Islamic education and service to humanity globally...

To provide basic necessities of life to deserving at times of natural calamities, diseases or epidemic relief...

To establish Educational Institution for poor students on minimum charges and provide aid and support to deserving and needy intelligent students on merit basis on approved conditions...

To purchase, construct and establish, colleges, schools, workshops, seminars etc for promoting education and development of skills...

To aid individual/families with Consultation and legal advice regarding domestic issues...

To help facilitate religious trips for needy...

To support needy with monthly Ration aid...

To grant aids, scholarships and financial assistance for studies in and outside Pakistan and to pay school fees, provide books and uniforms to poor and deserving students on merit basis....

To educate, train, highlight masses through all possible means by providing primary and secondary education, seminars and workshops....

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